Monday, September 3, 2007

My Thoughts

After thirty years of life, today I have realized the importance of knowing my own thoughts, source of thoughts, the entire thought process.

When I sit and spend some time and observe my thoughts which are like waves on the shore, few thump, few crawl, few come with a great speed , few are slow and die before they reach the shore.

Ultimately the truth remains the same , my thought remains attached with the things around me, with me, never allow me to go away from myself, similar to the wave carries with it the sand, gravel, conch's, sticks all the other things attached to the shore & is on the shore. So my thoughts go no beyond the known world around...

Off late I realize, there is a difference in my thinking as the big tides in the midnight when full moon is at its prime makes to the waves, my thinking has seen its sea change, just because of my introduction to a Book called" Living With the Himalayan Masters" by Swami Rama. I started counting the waves and noting the difference the tide makes to the waves in my own self.

Later the tide has introduced me to another book called “The Little Prince" by one French writer. This book taught me to be natural and do not ignore the sand, gravels, broken conch's, shells which come along with the thought waves.

Now the journey with thoughts is on with the book I am reading now..."An Autobiography of Yogi", there is an ocean to know our thoughts and I am set to become one in the ocean of self awareness.